Application example: Precipitation measuring net

Wireless sensor network

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Experimantal setup 

  •  Measurement of the precipitation amount by tipping buckets with attached mini loggers
  • Data transmission from mini loggers via local radio to a central enviLog datalogger as main logger (up to 48 mini loggers are possible)
  • Automated remote data transmission from the main logger enviLog via GPRS to a database server and from there to the user PC
  • Delivery, installation and commissioning by ecoTech

Validation of the uniform distribution of irrigation in agriculture. Use of 10 non-stationary rain gauges with radio data transmission, without cable connection of the measuring instruments to the central data logger

Product Parameter
Tipping bucket Precipitation
Mini logger  
enviLog data logger GPRS  

Landwirtschaftskammer NRW

FB 61 Projektkoordination Modellbetriebe der WRRL

50765 Köln-Auweiler


Contact Person

Herr Dipl.-Ing. agr. Uwe Kalthoff
Herr Pascal Gerbaulet