Application example: Nitrate monitoring in forest soil
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Does nitrate discharge occur in a forest soil under beech? What is the nitrate dynamics in the soil profile between 0 and 180 cm depth?
Leachate extraction with suction plates for determination of nitrate concentrations. Measuring depths are 0, 15, 30, 60, 120 & 180 cm at the Conventwald location. The experiment is part of the “Intensive Ecosystem Monitoring” at a total of 20 locations in Baden-Württemberg.
Product |
Glass suction plates |
Mechanical vacuum controller |
We are happy about this first application of our nitrate monitoring concept in forests. So far, our extraction technology has only been used under arable land (for further information see here).
Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg
Abteilung Boden und Umwelt
Forstliches Umweltmonitoring
Wonnhaldestraße 4
79100 Freiburg
Contact persons:
Dipl.-Hydrol. Andrea Hölscher | |
Dr. Heike Puhlmann | |