Application example: Wireless sensor network

In a fruit orchard pilot plant

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Monitoring of weather data, soil moisture and temperature as well as the recording of the small-scale variability of air humidity and air temperature within the trees of a fruit orchard experimental plant (Bavarian State Institute for Viticulture and Horticulture, LWG).

Sensor network consisting of a central weather station with six soil moisture sensors and eight wireless mini loggers for soil and climate parameters.

Data transmission of the eight mini loggers via radio transmission to a central enviLog datalogger as main logger (up to 48 mini loggers are possible). Automated data transfer from the main logger to a database server and from there to the user PC.

The devices were delivered by ecoTech and installed in October 2018 together with employees of LWG Veitshöchheim.

Product Parameter
Tensiomark Soil water tension, soil temperature
Hydra Probes Vol. water content
MeteoMS weather multi parameter sensor Wind speed, wind direction, precipitation, temperature, rel. humidity, air pressure
PAR quantum sensor PQS1 Photosynthetically active radiation
Leaf wetness sensor WLW100  
Data logger enviLog Maxi with data transmission  
Data logger enviLog Mini rF-T Air temperature, rel. humidity
Data logger enviLog Mini SDI  

Bayerische Landesanstalt für Weinbau und Gartenbau (LWG)
Institut für Erwerbs- und Freizeitgartenbau
Arbeitsbereich Technik und Unternehmensentwicklung (IEF 4)
An der Steige 15
97209 Veitshöchheim

Contact person:

Alexander Zimmermann